Official Language of Singapore: English, Malay, Chinese Mandarin and Tamil
National Language of Singapore: Malay De Facto Language of Singapore:
English Minority Languages in Singapore: Hokkien, Hainanese, Cantonese, Indonesian, Javanese, Japanese, Korean, Punjabi

The national language of Singapore is Malay while English, Malay, Mandarin Chinese, and Tamil are the four official languages in Singapore. English is the most widely spoken language (primarily by the population below the age of 50), and the medium of instructions in school. English is also the language of business and government in Singapore, based on British English. A unique and widely spoken language in Singapore is the Singlish. It is primarily the colloquial form of English, having a distinct accent, and ignoring the basic standards of English grammar. Having a jumble of local slang and expressions of various languages and dialects of Singapore, speaking in Singlish is seen as a mark of being truly local! Interestingly, all the schools in the city teach the language of the child's parentage, along with English, to ensure the child stay in touch with the traditional roots.

Welcome ———— Selamat datang
Hello (General greeting) ———— Selamat pagi (good morning), Selamat petang (good afternoon), Selamat malam (good night)
How are you?———— Apa khabar? (What news?)
Reply to 'How are you?' ———— Khabar baik, terima kasih. Anda pula bagaimana?
Long time no see ———— Sudah lama tidak berjumpa
What's your name? ———— Siapa nama anda?
My name is ... ———— Nama saya ...
Where are you from? ———— Dari mana asal saudara? (frm)
I'm from ... ———— Saya dari ...
Pleased to meet you ———— Selamat berkenalan